• Call us: 661-325-2650
  • 2416 F Street, Bakersfield, California 93301

D.E Classroom

Kern Driving & Traffic School is offering

Driver Education Classes (in-class)

over Christmas Vacation 2024/2025

1st Class

The following are the dates you have to attend:

December 23, 2024     Monday

December 24, 2024     Tuesday

December 26, 2024     Thursday

December 27, 2024     Friday


2nd Class

December 30, 2024     Monday

December 31, 2024     Tuesday

January 2, 2025           Thursday

January 3, 2025           Friday

You either have to attend the 1st or 2nd class. Not Both

You have to attend 4 days from 8:30am to 3:45pm


Attend Drivers Education on Saturdays.

You have to attend 4 Saturdays from 8:30am to 3:45pm

You can start the classes on any Saturday, you just

have to attend four Saturdays in a roll.

We are not having classes on Saturdays, December 21, 28 and

January 4, 2025.

If you miss a day of Drivers Education, you can make that

day up the next time thought lessons are taught.


The Christmas Vacation and Saturday classes will be held at 2416 F St.

Our Office/Classroom (close to the corner of F & 24th St.)


Places for lunch: McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Subway

(all restaurants are right across the street)


To Register for the classes:

  1.  Register & pay On-line, using the
      (Register for “In-Class D. E. & Training Here Button)

  2.  Register & pay in the Office at 2416 F St

If you need more information please call the

office at 661-325-2650

Monday – Friday 9am to 4pm